Congratulations to our resident WOO guy Jun!
What first brought you to Undercard, and what has kept you coming back?
My fitness journey started with only rhythmic spin. Friends who do spin and Undercard have always spoken highly about Undercard and how it will help with overall performance in spin and strength.
When Alicia brought spin to Undercard, it was my first time entering the establishment and felt at ease and an instant attraction.
I kept going back to Undercard because of its’ community and the offering of an ever changing training program. It has only been 100+ classes but I’ve never done the same program twice!
How has the Undercard community impacted your training experience?
Undercard’s community is special and vast. Ranging from athletes to first timers and no matter what level you are, we are free to be ourselves in that room.
Everyone is encouraging, friendly and motivating. This I would say has kept me going in class and pushing my limits to lift heavier, run longer and improve my boxing finesse.
Do you have a favourite memory?
The coaches know my least favourite exercise is running. In my 101th class, I think I surprised myself when I chose conditioning sets, clicked into gear and started running without hesitation and finished the class with running.
This to me is my fondest memory with Undercard.
If you asked me if there were favourites, Saturday classes at Undercard are the best and being in those classes will and end up being favourites!
You bring such an energy to those classes that I see motivate and lift the whole room, do you have a trainer and a classmate in there that do the same to you?
Undercard has encouraged and allowed us to be ourselves. The workouts are tough and challenging, it will be hard not to motivate each other since we are in it together!
There isn’t A classmate, there are so many incredible humans at Undercard. I do have special mentions to Lady, Pennie, Shay, Jif, Chloe, Reuben, Kate, Alex and not to mention all the coaches (now and former).
What advice would you give to someone who is looking at Undercard now but might feel intimated by it?
Take the first step and try it.
Take it as little steps towards your fitness goal(s).
Enjoy the process along the way.
Build and master a skill/movement.
Make friends.
Be ready for energy bombs!
What’s one thing you’ve learned at Undercard that’s made a big difference in your life outside of the gym?
There is no such thing as instant wins.
Undercard has humbled me physically and mentally.
I am a believer that if you want to win, your plan needs to include Undercard, and hopefully it will be the catalyst to something amazing!